How to Access Your Magic

Fully express yourself and live in alignment with that expression. From then on you’ll have access to your magic. Full stop.

Expression takes many forms from the way we choose to look and present ourselves to the ways we create art or show up in our work. Each is equally as important as the other and will change the way you can show up for yourself and others in life.

What do I mean by “fully express”? Dress and style yourself to the max in whatever way feels right to you. Design the spaces where you reside as living breathing altars dedicated to your divinity. Create a career, business, and/or passion project to the beat of your own drum. To do this all you need to do is tap into your inner source energy and find the flow. The flow is what delivers you to a life most aligned with who you are, and who you are is the version of you that gets to access magic.

Disclaimer:: This will not be the version of you that our current hell-scape of a society desires. Oh no, this world craves a you who is starving for connection and misshapen and warped and running as fast as you possibly can. They want you wanting so you’ll spend your hours working the lie of achieved perfection. They want you as a work machine who never needs to eat (perfection = thin) or rest (aka lazy) or take pleasure in anything (don’t be selfish!) No, what they want is a Frankenstein you, made up of all the things you are not.

Whatever arguments and hesitations you may have, I understand.
I spent many insane years unwinding my own tight spaces of living as a completely curated person. I began asking myself where does the person end and the “profile” begin? Do I even have an identity? Do I need one? I was existing solely to accommodate others and to be perceived as “worthy". Worthy of what? All of it. Love, connection, safety, rest etc. I finally broke down though, or at least my body started to. Turns out, with enough self harm (which this is btw) our bodies will begin to get sick and shut down. Suppressing our true selves creates a stressed-the-fuck-out nervous system response, and fight or flight states simply are not sustainable as a baseline. They just aren’t. Look up “soul loss” when you get a second for an idea of what else can happen from blocking your true personal expression.

Transforming back into myself has been (and will continue to be) a process, and I expect I’ll have a at least a few dozen more rounds of wrestling with this old pattern as it goes. Trust me when I say the remembering happens faster and faster each time, though. Many years and many tears later I have finally honed a set of skills and gathered the resources to help foster the remembering that brings me back to myself again and again.

These are the resources and tools I’d like to share with you too. When you’re you, and I’m me, we can work together and build really wonderful communities and art and joy.

I specialize in the following Personal Expression Paths:

  • Beauty & Style

  • Interiors & Living Spaces

  • Personal Branding & Small Business/ Career Development

Each Path combines a series of exercises, readings, meditations, herbal support, personal wellness resources, personal sessions with me, and probably a few extra memes and tiktoks on the side. The focus of the the Path may differ but my process is the same:

  • Connect with yourself

  • Discover who that is and how you can present as this person and give them a voice

  • Create a sustainable plan of action for that specific expression

  • Post service support for successful execution of said plan

  • Provide access to resources for continued personal exploration

Please note: There will be no “coaching”, health advice, MLM offerings, or general new age emotional abuse tactics. I’m here to hold some space and teach you techniques to help you find the best solutions for you within yourself. In this house we believe in both science and magic! This means that this work is not a alternative to professional mental health or real actual medical help. This work is in addition to that care because you can only fully express if your mind and body are operating well!

In conclusion, I’d love to help you be the most you that ever was so you can take up the space that was yours to begin with. I want you to be and feel like your best self so that we can all start creating positive change and solutions together.


The Elegy of Elegance: A Personal Styling Odyssey